
Sputnik news

Proton Animation

Visualizing the Proton – Premier

MIT Museum, Cambridge Ma. As part of the Cambridge Science Festival a premier of “Visualizing the Proton” was screened to an audience at the new MIT Museum. Produced in collaboration with MIT Arts and MIT Media Productions the documentary follows the process of artists and nuclear physicists working together to […]


Meteor Immersive experience is live!

Working with The Story Board, Sputnik produced the visual content for the Maine Meteor and Gem Museum as part of their meteor collection exhibit. This immersive experience surrounds the audience with a projection mapped feature wall and surrounding “window” displays. It’s a great experience and the only way to truly […]


Start Up Maine – 2019

I’m putting on a presentation as part of Startup Maine on how to translate complex science into clear visual communications. Hope to see you at the conference.…/translating-science-and-te…/…